Resursi za Cyber Security
Alati - a collection of malware and threat intelligence feeds.
Ahmia - search engine for hidden services on the Tor network
AI Generated Photos - 100.000 AI generated faces.
Aperisolve - all in one steganography analysis - internet Archieve
ASCII Converter - Hex, decimal, binary, base64, and ASCII converter
Assembly Tutorials - assembly tutorials
Base64 Decodr/Encoder - base64 decoder/encoder
Bcrypt Generator - a simple bcrypt generator
Bug Bounty - a list of bug bounty programs
Can I use - provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies.
Censys - search engine for internet connected devices
Cheatography - over 3,000 free cheat sheets, revision aids and quick references.
CodeBeautify - code Beautifier, Viewer and converter
Common ports - a lists of the most common ports
Cipher Identifier - cipher identifier
Convert Binary - a wide range of different converters for binary numbers
Convertcsv - convert SQL to CSV
Crackstation (Rainbow tables) - hash cracker
CSS Reference - CSS reference
CVECrowd - a platform for sharing and discussing cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
CVE Details - CVE security vulnerability advanced database.
CVE Mitre - list of publicly known cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
CVS - Scoring System Calculator
CyberChef - a web app for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
Cybercrime Tracker - monitors and tracks various malware families that are used to perpetrate cyber crimes. - Certificate Transparency Log Search Engine for subdomain enumeration.
CTF 101 - learn the different CTF topics in cybersecurity
CTF Cryptography - ctf cryptography for beginners
dCode - has many decoders for a lot of ciphers
dehashed - is a hacked database search engine.
Diff Checker - compare images
DNSDumpster - free domain research tool that can discover hosts related to a domain
DogBolt - decompiler explorer
EmailHippo - a free email verification tool.
Explain Shell - a tool to help you understand shell commands.
ExploitDB - searchable archive from The Exploit Database.
fakenamegenerator - your randomly generated identity.
Feodo Tracker - a project by tracking the C2 infrastructure of the Feodo Tracker Botnet.
File Signature - a table of file signatures (aka "magic numbers")
File Signature Wiki - another list of file signatures (aka "magic numbers")
Forensically - a tool to analyze images.
Godbolt - compiler explorer
Google advanced search - google dorking made easy
Google Hacking Database - juicy information found by dorking
GTFOBins - list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.
HackerOne - HackerOne is a vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform.
Hacking Glossary - a glossary of hacking terms made by HackTheBox.
Hash Analyzer - tool to identify hash types
Hash Identifier - hash identifier using CyberChef
have i been pwned? - check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach.
HexEd - HexEd is a powerful online hex editor running in your web browser - converts your code snippets into pretty-printed HTML formats
HSV to RGB - HSV to RGB color converter
HTML Reference - HTML reference
HTTrack - website copier - find email addresses in seconds.
Image Color Picker - select a color and get the HTML Color Code of this pixel
Intelix - Search Tor, I2P, data leaks and the public web by email, domain, IP, CIDR, Bitcoin address and more.
JoomScan - Joomla Vulnerability Scanner
k8s-security - kubernetes security notes and best practices.
Kali Linux Tutorials - Kali Linux Tutorials
Keybase - it's open source and powered by public-key cryptography.
LFI - learn about local file inclusion
Linux Commands - a list of linux commands
malc0de - malware search engine.
Malware Bazaar - malware search engine.
MD5 Online - md5Online offers several tools related to the MD5 cryptographic algorithm.
Morse Code Translator a morse code translator
Morse Code Adaptive Audio Decoder - a morse code adaptive audio decoder
Morse Code Audio Decoder - a morse code audio decoder
Morse Code Sound & Vibration Listener - a morse code sound & vibration listener
Namechk - check if your desired username is available on over 500 social networks (username OSINT).
NerdyData - the search engine for source code - NTLM password cracker
Observatory by Mozilla- set of tools to analyze your website.
Office Recovery - repair corrupt JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and RAW images.
PDF24 - free and easy to use online PDF tools
Phishtool - PhishTool is a free phishing simulation tool.
NPiet - Piet is an esoteric programming language based of using colored pixels to represent commands. - online Ping, Traceroute, DNS lookup, WHOIS and others.
pipl - is the place to find the person behind the email address, social username or phone number.
Pixrecovery - repair corrupt JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, and RAW images.
Rapid7 - vulnerability and exploit database.
Regex101 - online regex tester and debugger: PHP, PCRE, Python, Golang and JavaScript.
RegEx Pal - online regex testing tool + other tools.
RegExr - online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions (RegEx / RegExp).
Revshell - reverse shell generator.
RequestBin - RequestBin gives you a URL that collects requests so you can inspect them in a human-friendly way
RGBA Color Picker - an RGBA color picker
ShellCheck - finds bugs in your shell scripts.
Shodan - learn various pieces of information about the client’s network, without actively connecting to it.
sploitus - the exploit and tools database.
SRI Hash Generator - Subresource Integrity (SRI) Hash Generator
SSL Scanner - analyze website security.
SSL Scan - sslscan tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites
Steganographic Decoder - decodes the payload that was hidden in a JPEG image or a WAV or AU audio file
Stego Tricks - learn stego tricks
Subnet Calculator - IPv4 to IPv6 subnet calculator
Subnet Cheatsheet - subnet cheatsheet
SSL Blacklist - a free SSL blacklist that can be used to detect malicious SSL certificates.
Tabulate - create clean looking tables
Talos Intelligence - threat intelligence from Cisco.
Threat Fox - a resource for sharing indicators of compromise (IOCs).
TIO - TIO is a free online interpreter, compiler and REPL.
URL Haus - a project by to collect and classify malicious URLs. - service to scan and analyse websites.
urlvoid - this service helps you detect potentially malicious websites.
User-Agent Switcher switch and manage user agents
Vega - web security scanner and web security testing platform
ViewDNS - one source for free DNS related tools and information.
VirusTotal - analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware.
Visual Subnet Calculator - a visual subnet calculator
WebToolHub-LE - HTML hyperlink extractor
WebToolHub - lots of different web tools
WhatsMyName - social media username enumeration
WHOIS lookup - best whois lookup
Wigle - is a website for collecting information about the different wireless hotspots around the world
WPScan - WordPress security scanner

CTF platforme

TryHackMe - TryHackMe is a free online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs.
HackTheBox - HackTheBox is a massive, online cybersecurity practical training platform.
CTFLearn - An online platform built to help ethical hackers learn, practice, and compete.
Challenges - Reverse engineering CTF training platform
Cryptohack - Cryptography learning platform.
Root Me - Root Me is a platform for everyone to test and improve knowledge in computer security and hacking.
ROP Emperium - ROP Emporium is a series of challenges based around Return Oriented Programming (ROP).
pico CTF - picoCTF is a free computer security game targeted at middle and high school students.


Penetration Testing
Linux Basics for Hackers
The Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible
Black Hat Python
The Hacker PlayBook 2 & 3
Hacker Methodology Handbook
Gray Hat Hacking
Red Team Field Manual
The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook
Real-World Bug Hunting
Attacking Network Protocols
There is no patch for stupidity - Kevin Mitnick

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