10-21-2022, 08:27 AM
(10-19-2022, 07:48 PM)1van Wrote: Postoji rizik da neko na primer ukrade "rack", da li su svi podaci ekriptovani "by default"? I da li je na primer u "rack"-u implemeniran njihov "Nitro" sistem?
Možda postavljam nerelevatna pitanja, ako je tako molim te onda prvo objasni šta znači "Outposts služi kao svaka druga serverska stanica u AWS-ovom data centru".
Evo informacija: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/outposts/lat...ction.html
Encryption at Rest
With AWS Outposts, encryption is enabled by default.
For Outpost racks, Amazon EBS encryption is an encryption solution for your EBS volumes and snapshots. Amazon EBS encryption uses AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) and KMS keys. For Outpost servers, Amazon EC2 instance store is encrypted by default.
Encryption in transit
AWS encrypts in-transit data between your Outpost and its AWS Region.
Use an encryption protocol such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt sensitive data in transit through the local gateway to your local network.
Data deletion
When you stop or terminate an EC2 instance, the memory allocated to it is scrubbed (set to zero) by the hypervisor before it is allocated to a new instance, and every block of storage is reset.